Introduce DIY into your finances…
Would you like to take charge of your Financial Future?
- You don’t want to pay those Management Expense Ratios (MER’s).
- You know your risk tolerance best.
- You want control of where you invest.
One way is with Self-Directed Investing.
Trailane Financial and Nest Wealth have the solution for you. You can invest your hard-earned money where you want, how you want, and in the investment vehicle of your choice.
- Registered Investments
- Non-Registered Investments
Through Nest Wealth, you can choose to do a lump sum investment or transfer. You can dollar cost average on a monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual basis. And you can top up anytime you want.
- With the use of Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s) you won’t pay those MER’s.
- You choose the amount of risk you take on when you invest.
- You control the type of investments you use.
You get to monitor your holdings and adjust as you see fit. You are in control of your financial future and the best part is if you have any questions Trailane Financial is here to help.
Investment Options:
- Amounts under $1,000 – sit in cash
- Amounts over $1,000 and under $20,000 – Vanguard Mutual Fund ETF Portfolio
- Amounts over $20,000 – Custom ETF Portfolio
Asset Allocation
To keep on track:
- Have a Plan
- Stick to your plan by Saving
- Enjoy your Lifestyle by meeting your investment goals through your savings
In order to stay ahead of the money game, be mindful of emotional investing habits such as complacency, trading too often, buying high and selling low, and following reactionary investment patterns. Risk and volatility are not relegated to foreign markets. Overweighting with your home country may cause challenges as well. We recommend staying diversified across the board and watching the trends while avoiding emotional trading.
If you need help putting a plan together or defining your risk and volatility, we can help.
We offer fee for service options to fit your needs.
Our Fee for Service Includes:
Hourly Rates – have a question, we’ll answer it
Financial Plan Packages – you choose the package that suits your needs and have the option to implement it yourself.
Click below to view our Financial Plan Packages