403 247 9275 (EXT. 2)

1 877 299 8336 (EXT. 2)

Kevin Clements


I grew up seeing those I cared about not having access to financially sensible advice, strategies, and resources. Seeing this really drove me to learn about and to delve into the financial services industry.

On this journey I learned that everyone’s situations and goals are different, they change, and not everyone fits in the same box. Once I started to understand the plethora of information and the scope of these topics, it became very clear to me how I fit into the role of an advisor. I have been in this industry since 2005, with most of that time working with my wife, and mentor, Lisa Ramsay. Her advice, guidance, and expertise are something I am incredibly grateful for.

I have an extensive background in healthcare and education which tends to tie in very well with my role as an advisor, particularly the education component. And being able to work with a strong team at Trailane Financial while having access to expert resources only bolsters that experience.

The primary focus of my business is working with individuals. Whether it is someone just starting out, recently divorced, or perhaps widowed. It can be daunting trying to navigate things on your own. Having always had strong independent women in my life like my Mom, my four daughters, and my wife and partner of over 30 years, gives me the drive to be a positive and reliable influence for my clients.

In my spare time, I enjoy staying fit, reading a good book, playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends, and I look forward to any opportunity for some quality time with my family.